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Two Traits That Separate Good Athletes From Great Ones

In sports, there are some good athletes but there are others who are great at what they do. By this, we don’t mean that the good athletes are not talented; they are, but along with talent, a unique combination of two traits is found in abundance in some athletes that truly makes them great. And these two traits are: mental toughness and strong work ethic.

Talent + Mental Toughness + Work Ethics = Great Athletes

Mental toughness and work ethic are traits that push talented athletes into becoming great sports players. They propel them to deliver their best and stay resilient in the most challenging situations; and when they are up against the most competitive opponents.

Mental Toughness

Athletes who have mental toughness in abundance are fiercely competitive, goal-oriented, driven and disciplined. For them, losing is not an option. And this mental advantage is what keeps them motivated and gives them the ability to perform well under stressful situations, overcome adversity, and literally, thrive on the pressure of competition. Their internal desire to succeed, resilience, and not being threatened by their opponents’ performance helps them stay focus and strive for victory with unwavering commitment and passion.

Work Ethic

In order for an athlete to succeed at high levels the athlete must have a strong work ethic. High performance athletes are dedicated to the game above everything else. When they play as part of a team, they are committed to meeting the expectations of their fellow athletes and coaches. They strive for distinction and are willing to push their limits on and off the field. These athletes see the value of getting better each day. They are constantly working on their craft, spending time watching film, lifting weights, and working on their skills. They will never succumb to the pressure, especially in situations where their teammates are dependent on them.

For talented individuals to reach athletic greatness, it is extremely important that these traits are developed, instilled and nurtured by sports coaches, parents and trainers from a young age.


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